Residential – Somerset West (Perlite plaster) 


Nearly 600m2 of CemteQ’s PlasterLite have been used to plaster the external walls of an upmarket new residence in Somerset West, western Cape. PlasterLite has been specified by the owner-builder to increase thermal resistance.

CemteQ’s preblended and bagged PlasterLite product combines high quality cement with our exfoliated perlite and various admixtures to improve workability and stickiness. Microfibres are recommended for additional strength. The end result is a superior plaster which offers an excellent finish, good workability with unique insulation, fire-resistant and lightweight properties. PlasterLite comes in a convenient, premixed, just-add-water 40l bag.

CemteQ’s construction-grade perlite was also used as an insulating screed-to-fall on all the concrete roof slab areas.